Tag MR Energy Systems

Plastic Free Venice Lagoon

The event, which will be held on September 20 in Venice at the Hotel Ca ‘Sagredo in Palazzo Morosini Sagredo, aims to raise awareness and promote a dialogue between citizens, hoteliers and municipal institutions on the sustainability of Venetian hotel facilities. The intervention is a response to the global emergency concerning the excessive presence of plastics in the environment and the need to urgently find solutions to redundant and incorrect use. Specifically MR Energy, in the person of its founder Ing. Mauro Roglieri, will illustrate the new environmental certification protocols applied to buildings, which also concern the production and management of waste.

 Event details

EED transposed into Italian Regulation

Directive 2012/27/EU was transposed into Italian Decree 102/2014.

Here follow a short review of the main news.

Renovation of public bodies’ buildings will be applied to minimum 3% of the whole area (about 400.000 m2 / year). With a public investment of 355 million euros in the period 2014-2020. The local authorities contribute to achieving the objective.

Purchasing by public bodies will follow the National Green Public Procurement Plan and other National regulations on high energy-efficiency performance of products, services and buildings.

Energy efficiency obligation schemes was set up, confirming the White Certificates as the main system to achieve  cumulative end-use energy savings target by 31 December 2020.

Large Enterprises and energy-intensive enterprises shall carry out energy audits or implement an energy management system. Public funding will be available for SME to voluntary carry out energy audits or implement an EMS.

Energy Performance Contracts are promoted and minimum items to be included are provided.

New buildings and renovation of existing buildings satisfying high energy efficiency standards can benefit from volume bonuses and derogations to urban standards.

The National Fund for Energy Efficiency was established for: a) energy efficiency in public buildings; b) the development of district heating and cooling; c) energy efficiency services and public infrastructure; d) energy efficiency of residential buildings and social housing; e) energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

With this Decree Italy finally gets in line with EED, and provides an allocation of 800 million euros from 2014 to 2020 for energy efficiency.

MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

Link al comunicato pdf:  2014_07_09_Press_Release ITA; 2014_07_09_Press_Release EN

MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

e-learning courses on GHG monitoring, reporting and verification


Venezia, Italy (9th July 2014)


MR Energy Systems (MR Energy), the leading provider of consulting engineering in the field of sustainability, and the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, the leading trainer on greenhouse gas accounting and verification, are delighted to announce that they will be cooperating to expand carbon management education to Italy.


Many countries and regions are establishing policies, including the creation of carbon markets, designed to cut the emissions that cause climate change. An increasing number of companies are establishing GHG emission reduction targets, both in reaction to such policies, and voluntarily, as a strategic response to the risks associate to climate change.  An effective and credible GHG management system is a cornerstone for the success of any such initiative. To support this process in Italy, MR Energy will now be delivering GHG Management Institute courses to Italian students, practitioners, and leaders. This collaboration will provide Italian government, industry, and academia with a comprehensive overview of carbon management —from the background and principles of carbon accounting and monitoring, to detailed specifics of GHG reporting and verification.


Commenting on the collaboration, Mauro Roglieri, MR Energy’s General Manager, said, “Our e-learning platform, MR Energy Academy, reflects our commitment to provide the market with effective services and tools to support the transition to a sustainable economy. We believe that knowledge is always the first and main driver for change. This is why we’re really proud to announce the Partnership with GHG Management Institute, surely a high quality standard guarantee for Italian operators.”
Michael Gillenwater, Dean of the GHG Management Institute, said, “The Institute is delighted to be partnering with MR Energy to expand its training curriculum and grow the community of greenhouse gas experts around the world, which we believe is essential to addressing climate change.“




About MR Energy Systems

MR Energy Systems is an Italian Consulting Engineering company, with many years of experience in the field of carbon & energy management and other services related with climate change mitigation. MR Energy Systems supports public and private organizations to lower their energy and environmental impacts towards a sustainable economy. MR Energy Academy is an on-line education platform, created by MR Energy Systems to share its experience and know-how with a wide range of professionals.


For more information, go to http://academy.mrenergy.it/en/ 

Watch a short video here: http://youtu.be/k1dGI7fQ3o4


About the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute


The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on training and education. The Institute’s mission is to train and develop a global community of experts with the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, accounting, auditing, and managing greenhouse gas emissions; meeting the needs of governments, corporations, and organizations large and small.


For more information, go to www.ghginstitute.org


Digital Venice – #digitalvenice more Digital, more Europe

MR Energy Systems presents @ Digital Venice, 10th of July – 14.30, venue: Telecom Italia Future Centre, session: “Chambers of Commerce for Digital Agenda” title:

Smart objects, smart metering: sustainability and performance digitalization. 

Sustainability needs to be proved with performance indicators. Measuring performances needs the digitalization of physical information. A walk through current trends linking environmental performances with bits and bytes.


Portal DIGITAL VENICE: Digital Venice – #digitalvenice more Digital, more Europe

Full event program: http://www.ve.camcom.gov.it/default.aspx?cod_oggetto=10153733

Article on Corriere delle Comunicazioni: http://www.corrierecomunicazioni.it/digital-venice/28524_la-camera-di-commercio-l-innovazione-e-nel-dna-della-citta.htm

Energy Response at Construction21Expo!

The 14th and 15th of May 2014, do come and visit our Energy Response booth at the virtual fair ‘Construction Expo 21’, at the ‘North Sea’ pavillon.

The Energy Response team is waiting for you… or your avatar, for a virtual coffee and a real chat!

The first virtual expo for the green
building industry across Europe
DO BUSINESS MATCHING with real estate investors,
designers, consultants, project developers, technology,
materials and many other important stakeholders in
sustainable building.
and political issues of the international green building
Attend livestream presentations, browse
exhibitors’ booths, swap business cards, make
Skype calls or chat with other participants, all
from your own computer with your own

Ecomondo 2013 – “Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration – a path towards sustainable materials””

MR Energy Systems at Ecomondo 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

06/11/2013 – 14:30 -17:00  Memo
Venue: Sala Girasole Hall Est lato pad.D7

Edilizia Materiali Qualità Certificazione

A cura di GreenProducts

Ottimizzare il rapporto fra edificio, energia, ed ambiente, rientra nelle finalità dei vari protocolli di qualità e certificazione, conseguentemente i singoli materiali impiegati nella costruzione devono corrispondere a determinati requisiti di sostenibilità.

Ore 14.00 | Registrazione
Ore 14.30 | Inizio lavori
Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia
Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia
L´evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Stefano Ferri – Presidente Polistudio – Consigliere GBC Italia
Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Francesco Balducci – Responsabile di Laboratorio  Cosmob SpA
La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certicazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts
Il portale dei materiali per l´edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini . GreenProducts

Ore 17.00 Discussione e Chiusura dei lavori

SAIE 2013 – “Certification Schemes: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration”

MR Energy Systems at SAIE 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

Sala Bolero – Centro Servizi – Saie Bologna Fiere
Viale della Fiera, 20

Bologna, ore 10.30, Thursday 17th october 2013.

Complete program and registration: click here

Ore 10.30 | Registrazione
Ore 10.45 | Inizio lavori

Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia

Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia – Consigliere GBC Italia

Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Christian Gabbani – Area Chimica Cosmob SpA

L’evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Gianluca Padula – Studio Garretti Associati – Consigliere GBC Italia

La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certi?cazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts

Il portale dei materiali per l’edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini – GreenProducts

ATTESTAZIONI: Attestato di partecipazione

La partecipazione alla Giornata di Studi è gratuita ed aperta a tutti, previa iscrizione dal sito web. L’attestato di partecipazione, da scaricarsi in seguito dal sito www.assform.it sezione utenti, assieme agli atti del seminario, verrà rilasciato esclusivamente a coloro che avranno effettuato l’iscrizione via web.

Our Article on Qualenergia

Quale_Energia1Published on n.2/2013 of Magazine Qualenergia an article by Mauro Roglieri and Iris Visentin about LEED, GBC and more in general aboput the benefetis of adopting sustainability rating systems of buildings to reach CO2 reduction targets.

Full article in Italian: http://www.qualenergia.it/articoli/20130520-green-building-council-il-rating-edificio

MR Energy Tweets: follow us!

Starting from this morning, thanks to the beautiful initiative organized by @MicheleVianello, tagged as #faccedastartup, MR Energy Systems is also on Twitter, together with all the other #vegaincube colleagues!

Becoming our follower is simple, just type @MREnergySystems and click on ‘Follow’!

A nice tool to keep in touch!