Green Sponsor at Greenbuild Euromed – Verona – 14th – 16th October

MR Energy Systems
 will participate at the most important convention on building sustainability, Greenbuild, for the first time in the Euro-mediterranean region with the Greenbuild Euromed in Verona.

MR Energy is part of the official conference program with two speeches from its consultants, with a booth in the exhibition area (Pavilion 4, Booth C3.3), and presenting a tour of the sustainable buildings in Venice.

Greenbuild Euromed interviewed Mauro Roglieri, founder and General Manager of MR Energy SystemsClick here for the complete interview.


MR Energy at EXPO Milano 2015

Biocasas_82Buildings in which we work and live, are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. This is due to energy consumption for lighting, summer air conditioning, winter heating, but also to the use of natural resources and building materials which create additional greenhouse gas emissions while being produced and disposed at the end of their life cycle.

Welldom, with Biocasa_82, commissioned by Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato (President Diadora, VP Geox), demonstrated how a building, in this case a residential house, can achieve the highest standards of respect for the environment throughout its entire life cycle, resulting at the same time an extremely comfortable place to live.

Biocasa_82 is compliant with the international standard of sustainability LEED for Homes at ‘Platinum’ level, but Welldom wanted to calculate analytically the reduction of GHG emissions throughout the life cycle, compared to the construction of a traditional building in Class C. This study was commissioned to MR Energy.

On 14th September 2015, the project will be presented to the public at EXPO Milano 2015.

Following this link to the event invitation.

Digital Venice – #digitalvenice more Digital, more Europe

MR Energy Systems presents @ Digital Venice, 10th of July – 14.30, venue: Telecom Italia Future Centre, session: “Chambers of Commerce for Digital Agenda” title:

Smart objects, smart metering: sustainability and performance digitalization. 

Sustainability needs to be proved with performance indicators. Measuring performances needs the digitalization of physical information. A walk through current trends linking environmental performances with bits and bytes.


Portal DIGITAL VENICE: Digital Venice – #digitalvenice more Digital, more Europe

Full event program:

Article on Corriere delle Comunicazioni:

Energy Response at Construction21Expo!

The 14th and 15th of May 2014, do come and visit our Energy Response booth at the virtual fair ‘Construction Expo 21’, at the ‘North Sea’ pavillon.

The Energy Response team is waiting for you… or your avatar, for a virtual coffee and a real chat!

The first virtual expo for the green
building industry across Europe
DO BUSINESS MATCHING with real estate investors,
designers, consultants, project developers, technology,
materials and many other important stakeholders in
sustainable building.
and political issues of the international green building
Attend livestream presentations, browse
exhibitors’ booths, swap business cards, make
Skype calls or chat with other participants, all
from your own computer with your own

MR Energy Systems @ Greenbuild Expo 2013 – Philadelphia

MR Energy Systems is exibiting at GreenBuild Expo 2013, the most important Expo on Green Building worldwide, gathering venue for the international LEED community.

MR Energy Systems brings @ Greenbuild its experience in consulting engineering for sustainbale buildings including:

  • LEED – GBC Italia – consulting services
  • Energy Dynamic Symulations
  • Energy monitoring systems, Building Automation Systems, Energy Response Platform
  • Sustainbale materials consulting: LCA, Carbon Footprinting, EPD
  • Strategic consulting, policy analisys & development

Come and meet us together with the other Italian companies at the ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency booth # 1011 .
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us:

Ecomondo 2013 – “Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration – a path towards sustainable materials””

MR Energy Systems at Ecomondo 2013 presents how to reach important commercial results while abating products environmental impact.

06/11/2013 – 14:30 -17:00  Memo
Venue: Sala Girasole Hall Est lato pad.D7

Edilizia Materiali Qualità Certificazione

A cura di GreenProducts

Ottimizzare il rapporto fra edificio, energia, ed ambiente, rientra nelle finalità dei vari protocolli di qualità e certificazione, conseguentemente i singoli materiali impiegati nella costruzione devono corrispondere a determinati requisiti di sostenibilità.

Ore 14.00 | Registrazione
Ore 14.30 | Inizio lavori
Prospettive e scenari futuri della certificazione LEED
Mario Zoccatelli – Presidente GBC Italia
Schemi di certificazione: Carbon Footprint, LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
Mauro Roglieri – MR Energy Systems srl – Consigliere GBC Italia
L´evoluzione e la scelta dei materiali nei grandi cantieri LEED
Stefano Ferri – Presidente Polistudio – Consigliere GBC Italia
Qualità Ambientale Interna: requisiti per i materiali basso-emissivi
Francesco Balducci – Responsabile di Laboratorio  Cosmob SpA
La progettazione e scelta dei materiali secondo i criteri di certicazione LEED
Fabio Betti – GreenProducts
Il portale dei materiali per l´edilizia certificata
M. Paolo Semprini . GreenProducts

Ore 17.00 Discussione e Chiusura dei lavori

Heritage as sustainability

MR Energy Systems, as a member of GBC Italia, is particularly glad to announce this event which will take place in Venice this coming Friday 22nd of June 2012. The important international event with the participation of international institutions as UNESCO and World GBC, and an exceptional speaker as Rick Fedrizzi, president of U.S. GBC and  chair of World GBC.

The event intends to present the ambitious development of a protocol for the sustainability of Historic Building, where Italy (GBC Italia) will play a leadership role in the international context. The protocol has the aim of merging two very important concepts: the LEED® sustainability criteria on one side, and the enormous Italian knowledge of restoration and conservation of historic heritage. An innovative standard, with the aim of facilitating the culture of sustainability in the built environment, and the conservation and protection of values and culture. A tool which will make the dialogue between operators and public authorities easier and more measurable.

The registration to the event is free of charge until the end of available places.

Click here to register to the event

GBC Home at Smart City

A great success for the presentation of GBC Home in Trento, with more than 200 people attending the conference and the presentation of the pilot cases, seven front-running projects which are adopting the new protocol as a ‘sustainability quality certification’.

The launch of GBC Home captured the attention of the important media Radio24 and the program ‘Smart City’, which dedicated an issue to GBC Home™ and LEED®, which can be played by clicking here (in Italian).

MR Energy now member of GBC Italia

With the formal approval of the Steering Committee during its meeting of March 2nd 2012, MR Energy has become an official member of GBC Italia, in the category “Utilities, ESCOs, and energy companies”.

Becoming part of the National Association confirms a strategy which started already one year ago:

“The efforts are surely paid back by the great results we are obtaining, and that will be confirmed next week with the launch of the new certification scheme GBC Home, in Trento. We can really obtain even more important results for our Nation, contributing to the recovery of a sector which is now suffering very hardly the economic crisis. For this reason the President, the Executive Board and all GBC members are working hard to convince Public Administrations about the importance of using tools such as GBC Home to put in place sustainable development programs for the cities and the territories of their competence. This is, by the way, required by the existing and upcoming European Directives”.

The declaration of Mauro Roglieri, Administrator of MR Energy Systems, member of the Executive Board of GBC Italia, in charge for international affairs. He coordinates the activities of the Policy Task Force of GBC Italia and he is a member of the Policy Task Force of the European Network of WGBC (World Green Building Council).