Directive 2012/27/EU was transposed into Italian Decree 102/2014.
Here follow a short review of the main news.
Renovation of public bodies’ buildings will be applied to minimum 3% of the whole area (about 400.000 m2 / year). With a public investment of 355 million euros in the period 2014-2020. The local authorities contribute to achieving the objective.
Purchasing by public bodies will follow the National Green Public Procurement Plan and other National regulations on high energy-efficiency performance of products, services and buildings.
Energy efficiency obligation schemes was set up, confirming the White Certificates as the main system to achieve cumulative end-use energy savings target by 31 December 2020.
Large Enterprises and energy-intensive enterprises shall carry out energy audits or implement an energy management system. Public funding will be available for SME to voluntary carry out energy audits or implement an EMS.
Energy Performance Contracts are promoted and minimum items to be included are provided.
New buildings and renovation of existing buildings satisfying high energy efficiency standards can benefit from volume bonuses and derogations to urban standards.
The National Fund for Energy Efficiency was established for: a) energy efficiency in public buildings; b) the development of district heating and cooling; c) energy efficiency services and public infrastructure; d) energy efficiency of residential buildings and social housing; e) energy efficiency in the industrial sector.
With this Decree Italy finally gets in line with EED, and provides an allocation of 800 million euros from 2014 to 2020 for energy efficiency.