Lombardy Region approved the Call for energy efficiency improvement of SMEs

Following the provisions of Legislative Decree 102/2014 and the Ministerial Decree of 12 May 2015, Lombardy Region has approved the call “ Bando per l’efficientamento energetico delle PMI ” to support  SMEs, in the realization of energy audits or the adoption of the ISO 50001 management system in one or more of their operational headquarters located in Lombardy, up to a maximum of 10 sites.

Resources allocated by Lombardy account for EUR 2,271,132, 50% from the Region and 50% from the central State.

The contribution covers 50% of costs incurred by SMEs for:

  • The realization of energy audits carried out in compliance with Annex 2 of the Legislative Decree no. 102/2014. Compliance with the criteria set out in Schedule 2 is assessed according to the technical standards UNI CEI 16247 – 1-2-3-4. Energy audits must be obligatorily carried out by the entities listed in Article. 8, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 102/14, or energy service companies ESCOs, experts in energy management or energy auditor certified by bodies accredited in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 102/14.
  • The implementation of the energy management system compliant with ISO 50001, proven by a certificate of conformity issued by the third body, independent and accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the European Parliament and the European Council of 9 July 2008, or signatory of the international mutual recognition agreements. The implementation of the energy management system should cover the entire operational headquarters and cannot be restricted to a single production line, or to a single sector of the same site.

The maximum contribution is:

  •  € 5,000 for each energy audit;
  •  € 10,000 for each adoption of the ISO 50001 management system.


The call is open to small and medium enterprises with the following requirements, by the date of application:

  • legal and operational sites for which the contribution is requested, placed in Lombardy
  • properly constituted and registered in the RI from at least 2 years from the 30/10/2015
  • in case of service enterprises, they have been established as companies
  • eligible for the de minimis regime.

Time and procedure of application

Starting from September 28, 2016, SMEs may apply for regional contributions, by the Information System “SIAGE”, upon registration of the enterprise reference person.

The allocation of the contribution will be in accordance with the chronological order of the lodging of applications.

How MR Energy Systems can help SMEs

MR Energy Systems is an accredited ESCO, with resources certified UNI CEI 11339 and with proven experience in the field of:

For more information see the new to the following address: https://goo.gl/wJYRfH and contact us to info@mrenergy.it.

2015 Energy saving communication by March 31 2016

In compliance with art. 7 paragraph 8 of D.Lgs. 102/2014, companies that implement an energy management system ISO 5000, large companies and companies with high energy intensity that have fulfilled their obligation to carry out an Energy Audit by December 5th 2015, shall report to ENEA by March 31st 2016 the energy savings achieved in 2015.

As clarified by the Ministry of Economic Development in May 2015 “The obligation lies with the companies, and is referred to all of their production sites, including those excluded from obligation of energy audit due to the clustering process. The savings to be reported are those aroused both from efficiency improvements in the production cycle and from any other changes, even behavioral, in the management of the production cycle itself. The savings should be reported […] only if greater than 1% of the previous year’s consumption.”

Come and meet us at Smart Energy Expo

MR Energy Systems will take part in the Smart Energy Expo, 2014 edition (Verona fair – Italy)

On October 8th, Marco Zanetto will present an Industrial case study from Small Medium Enterprises on energy efficiency in Italy.

The EURAC workshop ‘Voluntary tools in the implementation of the European low carbon strategy in Italy: the Covenant of Mayors and other instruments for public – private partnerships at local level‘, will be held next Wednesday in the ‘Smart City & Communities’, from 10:00 to 15:00.

EED transposed into Italian Regulation

Directive 2012/27/EU was transposed into Italian Decree 102/2014.

Here follow a short review of the main news.

Renovation of public bodies’ buildings will be applied to minimum 3% of the whole area (about 400.000 m2 / year). With a public investment of 355 million euros in the period 2014-2020. The local authorities contribute to achieving the objective.

Purchasing by public bodies will follow the National Green Public Procurement Plan and other National regulations on high energy-efficiency performance of products, services and buildings.

Energy efficiency obligation schemes was set up, confirming the White Certificates as the main system to achieve  cumulative end-use energy savings target by 31 December 2020.

Large Enterprises and energy-intensive enterprises shall carry out energy audits or implement an energy management system. Public funding will be available for SME to voluntary carry out energy audits or implement an EMS.

Energy Performance Contracts are promoted and minimum items to be included are provided.

New buildings and renovation of existing buildings satisfying high energy efficiency standards can benefit from volume bonuses and derogations to urban standards.

The National Fund for Energy Efficiency was established for: a) energy efficiency in public buildings; b) the development of district heating and cooling; c) energy efficiency services and public infrastructure; d) energy efficiency of residential buildings and social housing; e) energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

With this Decree Italy finally gets in line with EED, and provides an allocation of 800 million euros from 2014 to 2020 for energy efficiency.

Green future for Porto Marghera

The Ministry of Environment invests 9 million euros for the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Porto Marghera and the Certosa Island. The agreement, signed on the 29th of December 2010, includes a number of measures among which an industrial initiative in Porto Marghera (“Marghera Ecodistretto”), and the sustainable renovation of the Certosa Island (natural park and touristic venue) in Venice.


Source: www.minambiente.it

Kyoto Rotation Fund

The Kyoto Rotation Fund will be finally active since the 15th of March, Ministry of Environment Corrado Clini commented during a conference in Rome. The Kyoto Rotation Fund has been awaited longly by operators. SMEs, PAs or individuals will now benefit from a 0,5% interest rate financial tool to realize their energy efficiency projects (including building sector), distributed generation (tri-generation in particular), or small renewable energy production plants. The initial size of the fund will be € 600 mil, while extra € 400 mil could be added after the auction of the 2013-2020 emissions trading allowances will be finalized (and debts with ETS new entrants since 2009 will have been paid off). Source: www.minambiente.it