Carbon Management
Since the entering into force of the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, public and private entities started to monitor their CO2 emissions. In some cases this is due by law, such as for the EU Emissions Trading, in other cases it is part of a voluntary sustainability policy. Whatever the business or social driver, managing carbon is nowadays recognized as a general management best practice, allowing to reduce costs, improve supply chain management, reduce financial and legislative risks, and discover new business opportunities and new fast growing markets.
Find out what MR Energy can do to support your Carbon Management projects.
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Knowing your impact on Climate is at the basis of any Carbon Management strategy. Several international standards are available according to which it is possible to define a calculation methodology and calculate your Carbon Fooptrint in a transparent and certifiable way.
MR Energy can count on a significant experience in defining methodologies and models to calculate the Carbon Footprint of products or Entities, both in the industrial and services sectors.
Knowing your carbon footprint, will allow you to define a reduction strategy, and participate to one of the disclosure or reduction programmes organized by ONGs, to compare your performance with those of your competitors or partners, showing to your stakeholders your transparent effort to reduce impact on climate.
Emissions Trading
Emissions Trading System
MR Energy offers assistance to those companies falling into the scope of the EU Emissions Trading System, as defined by Directive 2003/87/EC and its following amendments.
The service a ‘turn-key’ assistance, adaptable to your specifc needs; it includes:
- Assistance in obtaining, updating, revoking your emissions permits.
- Creation and updating of your Monitoring Plan
- Preparation of annual verification of emissions, assistance during third pary audit
- Assistance to the Trading of your CO2 emissions, definition of a compliance strategy
- Assistance in Emissions’ registry operations
- Assistance in handling relations with Public Authorities and Verification Institutions
- Legislative updates
Trading Assistance
Trading Assistance
MR Energy, through trusted Partners, offers assistance to those companies willing to trade on environmental markets their allowances or energy efficiency credits, or actively manage their existing portfolio.
The service is adaptable to your specifc needs; it can include:
- CO2 Trading (EUA, ERU, CER), White Certificates (TEE), Green Certificates
- Portfolio management planning
- Reporting and optimization
- Valorization procedures
- Customized assistance
CDM Projects
CDM Projects
In the framework of the Kyoto protocol so called ‘flexible mechanisms’, CDM Clean Development Mechanism, plays a very important role allowing non-Annex I Countries to develop sustainable technologies and reduce their Carbon intensity. Projects must follow methodologies and rules adopted by the UN ruling body, the CDM Executive Board.
MR Energy performs validation of CDM projects on behalf of accredited operational entities, consults investors in the project development from the preparation of the PDD to the assistance during validation and verification of the avoided emissions.