Category Energy efficiency

Commissioner Günther Oettinger welcomes political agreement on the Energy Efficiency Directive

“This is a big step ahead: for the very first time we have legally binding energy efficiency measures. Europe is now much better placed to achieve its 20% energy efficiency target for 2020”, Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger stated.

“The measures will reduce our energy bill while generating further growth and jobs. They stimulate investments and make our energy using products more efficient.”

“The European Parliament and the Council have played a constructive role in finding a compromise. It also shows Europe’s ability to act in difficult economic times.”

Yesterday evening, the European Parliament, the Council and the EU Commission reached a political agreement on the Energy Efficiency Directive. Today, Coreper endorsed the agreement. European Parliament and the Council still need to give their approval.

To read the complete memo from the EC, click here.

Propose surrender – ETS Compliance and market trends

Last days for EU-ETS plants to surrender 2011 emissions to their national registries. Final deadline is April 30th 2012.

The Carbon market situation remains very uncertain, with EUA 08-12 Spot trading at around 7,19 €/t (EUA-08-12, Bluenext, 18/04/2012), as economic crisis has reduced significantly the emissions of EU plants (together with an increase of production of renewable energy). The attached graph shows verified emissions of the last four years: total EU-27 ETS emissions have decreased in 2011 by 12,5% compared to 2008 levels (14,4% for Italy), clearly showing an average reduction in the need to cover short positions, and therefore reducing the demand on the trading platforms.

The news introduced by EC from 2013, like the absence of free allocations for power production plants for instance, have not yet sorted the effects of maintaining a reasonable price level which can justify and really enforce investments in energy efficiency.

Is the pricing really reflecting already the new 2013 regime? Will the third period bring an improvement to the mechanism? Please send us your comments, or do contact us for more information.

EU ETS verified_emissions_2011_en

High Efficiency CHP

The deadline to present the requests for the  ‘High Efficiency CHP‘ certification (riconoscimento CAR) has been postponed to the 30th of April. The requests need to be presented through the new RICOGE portal of GSE.

CAR certification, introduced by decree law 8 february 2007, n.20 (transposition of Directive 2004/8/CE on promotion of co-generation of heat and power) as amended by DM 4th august 2011, allows the access to white certificates incentive scheme, as DM 5th september 2011.

If you need assistance for your CHP plant, please write to: 

GBC Home at Smart City

A great success for the presentation of GBC Home in Trento, with more than 200 people attending the conference and the presentation of the pilot cases, seven front-running projects which are adopting the new protocol as a ‘sustainability quality certification’.

The launch of GBC Home captured the attention of the important media Radio24 and the program ‘Smart City’, which dedicated an issue to GBC Home™ and LEED®, which can be played by clicking here (in Italian).

Kyoto Rotation Fund

The Kyoto Rotation Fund will be finally active since the 15th of March, Ministry of Environment Corrado Clini commented during a conference in Rome. The Kyoto Rotation Fund has been awaited longly by operators. SMEs, PAs or individuals will now benefit from a 0,5% interest rate financial tool to realize their energy efficiency projects (including building sector), distributed generation (tri-generation in particular), or small renewable energy production plants. The initial size of the fund will be € 600 mil, while extra € 400 mil could be added after the auction of the 2013-2020 emissions trading allowances will be finalized (and debts with ETS new entrants since 2009 will have been paid off). Source: