Rinnovare il patrimonio esistente con valenza storico culturale

Venerdì 16 aprile 2021 MR Energy Systems è stata protagonista insieme al Chapter Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia di una presentazione del protocollo GBC Historic Building al corso di Conservazione e recupero degli edifici del Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Udine, su invito della docente, prof.ssa Anna Frangipane.

MR Energy Systems è la Società di consulenza che ad oggi vanta la più estesa esperienza applicativa realtivamente al protocollo GBC Historic Building, grazie ai progetti certificati e in corso di certificazione seguiti sino ad oggi, e grazie all’esperienza professionale di PhD. Federica Ariaudo, certificata come GBC HB AP oltre che come LEED AP.

Il protocollo GBC Historic Building costituisce un’eccellenza italiana nel campo della riqualificazione sostenibile certificata di edifici storici, come dimostrano le testimonianze dei progetti descritti da Federica durante l’intervento al corso. Avendo contribuito alla stesura del protocollo fin dalla sua concezione, e avendone sperimentato ora la funzionalità e l’efficacia, MR Energy Systems si conferma nel suo ruolo di leader del cambiamento sostenibile.

Hybrid Sustainable Worlds

La Rete Innovativa Regionale Venetian Green Building Cluster, di cui l’Ing. Mauro Roglieri è Vice Presidente, è risultata assegnataria del finanziamento per il progettoHybrid Sustainable Worlds” a valere sul programma POR FESR 2014-2020 Bando per il sostegno a progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo realizzati dalle Reti Innovative Regionali e dai Distretti Industriali, ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE” con obiettivo specifico l’ ”Incremento dell’attività di innovazione delle imprese”, AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi” della Regione Veneto.

Il progetto che vede il coinvolgimento, tra gli altri, delle quattro Università Regionali, un Ente di Ricerca e delle Reti Regionali Ict for Smart and Sustainable Living, Venetian Smart Lighting, Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage ed Euteknos, si sviluppa negli ambiti del Sustainable Living e delle Creative Industries con l’obiettivo di sperimentare e mettere a disposizione della filiera delle costruzioni e dei fruitori finali, modelli, soluzioni e percorsi innovativi volti a migliorare la qualità abitativa delle diverse tipologie edilizie, dal residenziale agli uffici e al commercio, ma anche agli spazi culturali e manifatturieri.

Hybrid Sustainable Worlds si basa sull’uso dei sistemi ibridi che combinano la dimensione degli spazi fisici in cui viviamo con l’esperienza del virtuale e del “cyberspace” ed offrono l’opportunità di sfruttare la forza del 3D, delle reti e dei sistemi intelligenti senza rinunciare alla dimensione fisica dell’incontro, della vicinanza, del dialogo, supportando e costruendo nuove opportunità di convivenza e d’interazione sociale.

Si concretizzano, con questo eccellente risultato, più di due anni di lavoro per creare e far partire i lavori della Rete Innovativa Regionale Venetian Green Building Cluster”, sottolinea il coordinatore della RIR, Ing. Mauro Roglieri: “Con questo progetto abbiamo dato il via definitivo al networking di imprese, università e istituti finanziari del nostro territorio sul tema del green building, che sono certo darà importanti risultati in termini di creazione di prodotti e servizi innovativi, collaborazioni e aggregazioni tra imprese della filiera, coniugando obiettivi di sviluppo economico e di decarbonizzazione dell’economia. Il progetto approvato prevede investimenti da parte delle imprese ed enti per un valore complessivo di 3 milioni di euro, che i fondi POR FESR copriranno per il 70% circa. Stiamo già guardando alle prossime opportunità, dato che le idee all’interno del network si moltiplicano, e l’ingresso di nuovi partner arricchisce di mese in mese la capacità innovativa della RIR”.

Il progetto vede la partecipazione di MR Energy Systems in particolare al Task T6, “Demand Response in Emergenza”. Il task studia architetture e modelli di integrazione tra edifici in ottica di miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica, produzione distribuita di energia, nonchè di informazioni utili per una migliore pianificazione e gestione dell’utilizo degli edifici in epoca di pandemia.

The start of a new innovation network: “Venetian Green Building Cluster”

Press release

Venice, 25 September 2018


The new Regional Innovative Network brings together the Veneto operators in the building and construction supply chain to accelerate the green transformation of the entire sector; corporates, universities and trade associations in the Veneto region join forces to create a network dedicated to innovation in the field of sustainable construction. This is the mission of the Venetian Green Building Cluster which brings together operators in the building and construction supply chain, with the aim of accelerating the green transformation of the entire sector, supporting urban regeneration and sustainable building processes, promoting new business models connected to the development of smart cities, to Industry 4.0, to the transformation of the real estate market, to the limitation of land consumption.

For further info and to join the Network, wirte at chapter.venetofvg @ gbcitalia.org

Green Sponsor at Greenbuild Euromed – Verona – 14th – 16th October

MR Energy Systems
 will participate at the most important convention on building sustainability, Greenbuild, for the first time in the Euro-mediterranean region with the Greenbuild Euromed in Verona.

MR Energy is part of the official conference program with two speeches from its consultants, with a booth in the exhibition area (Pavilion 4, Booth C3.3), and presenting a tour of the sustainable buildings in Venice.

Greenbuild Euromed interviewed Mauro Roglieri, founder and General Manager of MR Energy SystemsClick here for the complete interview.


MR Energy at EXPO Milano 2015

Biocasas_82Buildings in which we work and live, are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. This is due to energy consumption for lighting, summer air conditioning, winter heating, but also to the use of natural resources and building materials which create additional greenhouse gas emissions while being produced and disposed at the end of their life cycle.

Welldom, with Biocasa_82, commissioned by Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato (President Diadora, VP Geox), demonstrated how a building, in this case a residential house, can achieve the highest standards of respect for the environment throughout its entire life cycle, resulting at the same time an extremely comfortable place to live.

Biocasa_82 is compliant with the international standard of sustainability LEED for Homes at ‘Platinum’ level, but Welldom wanted to calculate analytically the reduction of GHG emissions throughout the life cycle, compared to the construction of a traditional building in Class C. This study was commissioned to MR Energy.

On 14th September 2015, the project will be presented to the public at EXPO Milano 2015.

Following this link to the event invitation.

MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

Link al comunicato pdf:  2014_07_09_Press_Release ITA; 2014_07_09_Press_Release EN

MR Energy Systems and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute cooperate to expand reach of carbon management education to Italy

e-learning courses on GHG monitoring, reporting and verification


Venezia, Italy (9th July 2014)


MR Energy Systems (MR Energy), the leading provider of consulting engineering in the field of sustainability, and the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, the leading trainer on greenhouse gas accounting and verification, are delighted to announce that they will be cooperating to expand carbon management education to Italy.


Many countries and regions are establishing policies, including the creation of carbon markets, designed to cut the emissions that cause climate change. An increasing number of companies are establishing GHG emission reduction targets, both in reaction to such policies, and voluntarily, as a strategic response to the risks associate to climate change.  An effective and credible GHG management system is a cornerstone for the success of any such initiative. To support this process in Italy, MR Energy will now be delivering GHG Management Institute courses to Italian students, practitioners, and leaders. This collaboration will provide Italian government, industry, and academia with a comprehensive overview of carbon management —from the background and principles of carbon accounting and monitoring, to detailed specifics of GHG reporting and verification.


Commenting on the collaboration, Mauro Roglieri, MR Energy’s General Manager, said, “Our e-learning platform, MR Energy Academy, reflects our commitment to provide the market with effective services and tools to support the transition to a sustainable economy. We believe that knowledge is always the first and main driver for change. This is why we’re really proud to announce the Partnership with GHG Management Institute, surely a high quality standard guarantee for Italian operators.”
Michael Gillenwater, Dean of the GHG Management Institute, said, “The Institute is delighted to be partnering with MR Energy to expand its training curriculum and grow the community of greenhouse gas experts around the world, which we believe is essential to addressing climate change.“




About MR Energy Systems

MR Energy Systems is an Italian Consulting Engineering company, with many years of experience in the field of carbon & energy management and other services related with climate change mitigation. MR Energy Systems supports public and private organizations to lower their energy and environmental impacts towards a sustainable economy. MR Energy Academy is an on-line education platform, created by MR Energy Systems to share its experience and know-how with a wide range of professionals.


For more information, go to http://academy.mrenergy.it/en/ 

Watch a short video here: http://youtu.be/k1dGI7fQ3o4


About the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute


The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on training and education. The Institute’s mission is to train and develop a global community of experts with the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, accounting, auditing, and managing greenhouse gas emissions; meeting the needs of governments, corporations, and organizations large and small.


For more information, go to www.ghginstitute.org


Learn about sustainability with MR Energy Academy

Venice, 8th July 2014

MR Energy Academy, the training and educational platform created by MR Energy Systems to offer online specialized courses and other training activities for professionals operating in energy and environmental sustainability field, is now on-line!


The platform presents a wide collection of materials, cataloged in a virtual ‘shelf‘ and commented by our team of experts. The collection includes briefs, publications, links to videos and free courses provided by no-profit institutions (CPI, ENEA, Fire, CMCC ect.), researchers, university professors and leaders of the green economy, addressing several issue of climate change, energy management, carbon management and sustainable economic development.

Parallel to free access contents, helpful to understand and know the main dynamics at the base of green economy, MR Energy Academy offers to its students a package of courses and workshops, developed by MR Energy in collaboration with outstanding international partners. Courses are directed to everyone who wants to learn and deepen concepts, methodologies, policies and tools to pursue a sustainable transformation of the economy. The first course fully transposed in the Italian language, developed by MR Energy in cooperation with the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, (201 Reporting of corporate greenhouse gas emissions), teaches how to report and manage greenhouse gas emissions, from regulatory compliance (the basics of the EU and other Emissions Trading System) to the adoption of voluntary programs (carbon footprinting, Carbon Disclosure Project, etc.) in order to consider GreenHouse Gases emissions in their organizational strategies and management procedures. The course is delivered through an e-learning platform, and requires an effort of approximately 16 hours of remote self-training.

Other online courses belonging to carbon and energy management field, for the moment offered in English, are managed directly through the GHGMI platform, with the support of the italian / english speaking MR Energy’s tutors. The platform also promotes workshops, with standard format and basic contents that can be customized to individual needs. The workshops are articulated in live lectures and practices conducted by sector experts at MR Energy’s or Client’s premises.

MR Energy Academy will be launched officially the 10th of July, at 2.30 p.m. during the Digital Venice week, at Telecom Italia Future Center, in Venice.