Treviso Chamber of Commerce promotes the technological innovation of SMEs
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of Treviso has recently published the “Call for grants to SMEs for innovative investments” in order to increase the efficiency and flexibility of production of companies operating in the Treviso area.
Among the eligible investments there are energy efficiency measures such as:
- installation of machinery, plant and equipment in the production process;
- adoption of hardware, software and digital technologies closely related to the production of goods and business services.
Applications must be submitted from 11 to 22 April 2016, exclusively by telematic mode.
The maximum contribution for each company will be equal to 40% of the eligible expenses (net of VAT and other taxes and fees) up to a maximum of € 15,000.00.
If the applicant company, by the date of publication of the Call, has got the “Rating of Legality”, contribution will be equal to 50% of eligible expenditure, up to a maximum of € 18,000.00.
Application for eligible expenses less than € 6,000.00 will be not considered.
The contribution will be determined on the full amount of the eligible costs, excluding VAT, incurred by the company, starting from the following day of the date of submission up to 17/02/2017.
For more information click here.